December 14th ILLUMINATE CHRISTMAS BANQUET 👉 https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lbcyouth-christmas-banquet-tickets-1025532083067?aff=oddtdtcreator
LBCYouth is our program for kids going through those tough high school years. We seek to serve kids grades 8-12, provide them with a fun space to get active, meet new friends, get connected to older mentors and learn about the person of Jesus.
We meet every Wednesday 7-9pm @ Ladner Baptist Church
Our Activities:
- pingpong
- basketball
- ball hockey
- guitar hero
- board games
- laser tag
- Rubik's puzzles
- skateboarding
Wednesday Night Schedule:
7-7:30pm open activities
7:30-8pm group game (man hunt, tag, dodgeball etc.)
8-8:30pm announcements and Life Groups (a time to ask questions with mentors, catch up as a group, share with one another, etc.)
8:30-9pm open activities
We believe that Jesus is good news! And we seek to Know, Show, and Share that good news better and better each week. Whatever your background, regardless of beliefs, you are, first and foremost, very welcome here.
Most Up-to-date information on our Instagram @youthlbc 👉 https://www.instagram.com/youthlbc/
Join Our Discord!
Our discord will be our central hub for giving announcements and updated games scores, doing summer hang outs, sharing our favorite verses, music and faith resources (podcasts, content creators, etc.), connecting through general chat, and helping plan future youth nights/events!