Danneck Falinya: Cornerstone Malawi

Danneck serves as Executive Director of Cornerstone Ministries. He began his career as a police officer in Salima. In 2011, he graduated from African Bible College with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education. He was then selected by UrbanPromise International for a fellowship program in the United States. After completing the program, with a vision to help Malawi's youth, he partnered with two friends to form Cornerstone Ministries. Danneck believes every child has the potential to be great if given the proper environment. 

In Salima, Malawi, children have a bleak future. Most children live in impoverished families where food is scarce. Further, families in Malawi must pay fees to send their children to high school. Since most families cannot afford these fees, many children drop out of school after Standard (Grade) 8, leaving them with a poor economic future. Girls are pressured to marry at a very early age, often to older men who may already have a wife. HIV/AIDs and other diseases are commonplace.

In 2012, a few African Bible College graduates decided to make difference. Full of passion and zeal, they held a common vision for launching a ministry to transform the lives of Salima's youth. One child at a time.

As an affiliate ministry of UrbanPromise International, Danneck Falinya, Tionge Matangula, Leo Chanza, and Chikondi Chabakha direct Cornerstone Ministries. 

Mission to prepare emerging leaders to initiate, develop, and sustain Christian-based youth development organizations and to seed their new ministries as they serve vulnerable children and teens in our world's most under-resourced communities.

Vision to transform the lives of Salima's youth. One child at a time.

Contact - upicornerstone@gmail.com